OMSA command line quick reference.
System details
# omreport about details=true Will show OMSA version.
#omreport system version This will give you the firmware of the perc, bios, drac, omsa, and the lifecycle controller, as well as the OS version.
#omreport system summary give you even more data. Chassis data, iDRAC data, procs, mem, bios, etc.
#omreport system esmlog Read the ESMlog
#omconfig system esmlog action=clear Clear the SEL
#omreport system alertlog This will display the alertlog.
#omconfig system alertlog action=clear This will clear the alertlog.
#omreport system postlog This will display the postlog
#omconfig system postlog action=clear This will clear the postlog.
Storage details
#omreport storage controller |grep ID If you don't know what to use after "controller=" in the next command.
#omreport storage pdisk controller=0 This will give you a status of the physical disks in the server.
#omconfig storage controller action=setrebuildrate controller=id rate=
<0 to 100> If you need to speed up/ slow down the rebuild rate for a server. Default is 30, meaning 70% of the processing power of the system is left alone.
#omreport storage controller |grep ID If you don't know what to use after "controller=" in the next command.
#omreport storage vdisk controller=0 This will give you the raid information on the server.
#omreport storage battery This will give you an idea of what status the battery is in.
#omconfig storage battery action=startlearn controller=0 battery=0 If you need to force a learn cycle.
If stuck, you can always start as much of the comman you know and add a -? to it.
omreport storage pdisk -?
pdisk Display physical disk(s) properties.
Required parameters are:
controller=id All physical disks are displayed
Optional parameters are:
vdisk=id All physical disks that comprise the indicated
virtual disk
cachecade=id All physical disks that comprise the indicated
connector=id All physical disks on the indicated connector
pdisk=<PDISKID> The indicated physical disk
where PDISKID=<connector:enclosureID:portID | connector:targetID>
#omconfig storage controller action=clearforeignconfig controller=0 This will clear the config on the drive.
Need to restart OMSA?
#/opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/ restart *or stop/ start