If your Dedicated Server is behind a shared firewall, all traffic intended for your server will be first filtered by the shared firewall, before it reaches your server.
1. Log into SiteControl at https://enterprise.hostway.com
2. Click the Dedicated Servers icon.
3. From the Currently Managing drop-down menu, select the server that you wish to apply the rule for.
4. Then click on Firewall Security Group & Rules.
NOTE: If you do not see the option Firewall Security Group & Rules, your server is likely not behind a shared firewall. If you are unsure, please submit a ticket to Support (for assistance on creating a ticket, please refer to the article “How to create Support ticket”).
5. From the Currently Managing drop-down menu, select the IP address that you wish to apply the rule for.
6. Right under Security Groups, you will find the currently assigned rule set for that specific IP address. Click on the Rules link on its right.
7. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen, there the rules will be displayed.
8. Specify the source IP/IP range, the port number/range. Unless else is specifically required, the traffic can be TCP.
- If you wish to allow access, select ACCEPT as action.
- If you wish to deny access, select DROP or REJECT.