1. Open Control Panel > Administrative Tools.
2. Here in this Administrative Tools Window, select the option Computer Management.
3. After opening the Computer Management window, navigate to System Tools > Local Users and Groups and then to Users. As you can see in the right pane, here is where all your user accounts are listed, including the Administrator account.
4. To create a new user account, right click on the right pane and select the option New User. This action will open the New User window.
5. Here enter the new user name, full name of the user, description and a strong password. While creating the user account, you have two options, to let the new user change the password after first login or just restrict the user from ever changing the password.
If you want to force the user to change the password after the first login, then select the option User must change the password at next login. If you want to restrict the user from ever changing the password, then deselect the previous option and select the new option User cannot change password. Once you are done with the changes, click on the Create button to create the new user account.