1. Open your SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the server
A new dialog box will open, where the Server Type and Server Name are usually already filled-in. As for the Authentication list, you should choose the SQL Server Authentication and fill user name and password to log in.
2. Select Tasks Tab
After connecting to server, you need to seek out the database that will be used to restore from the left area of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Then, choose the database you need, and right-click the database and you will notice there is a new option menu. What you need to do is to unfold the Tasks tab and choose Restore and then click Database.
3. Enter Source Section
After you click the source section, you will see a Restore Database dialogue box. You should use the Source section to edit the location and find what backups to restore. Then, click the Database key and choose what database to be restored. You should know that this list only shows databases that backed up before.
4. Configure Restore Database
If your backups are from different kinds of servers, the destination server won’t show the history of the backup. If this happens, you need to use the Device section to edit the backup media and its location for your restore operation. To be accuracy, click the ellipsis key to open a Select Backup Devices window. Then choose the device type you need from the device screen. You can click the Add key to add other types of device to the Backup Media box if needed.
5. Select Your Device
After selecting devices for the Backup Media, click the OK key back to the General menu. Then pick out the database that need to restore with the Database list. Please remember that only you have chosen the Device can the database list is available and can these backup databases will be shown.
6. Define Destination Box
By default, below Destination there are many databases provided to be chosen to restore from the Database box. When it comes to Restore to, you can leave it to The last backup taken or just press the Timeline to re-choose a special point timely if needed.
Within the Backup Sets to Restore part, there will be all available backups displayed for your pointed location. Just verify the "Restore" box beside the database that you want to restore.
If needed, go to find the "Files" section to alter the location of your database files. As is indicated, click "Relocate all files to folder" and then you can edit a different location for both the "Data file folder" and "Log file folder". Moreover, you can also adjust "Backup", "Restore" and "Connection" options in the "Options" tab.
Now click on the OK button to restore the database. You should receive a message that the database is restored successfully.