1. Go to System → Global Configuration
2. Click on Users Manager
Below we have mentioned the details of the fields present in the Component tab.
Allow User Registration − It allows the new user registration and set it to Yes.
New User Registration Group − The default group which allows the user to register via front-end.
Guest User Group − Setting up the Guest user.
Send Password − If it is set to Yes, password will be mailed to the registered user as a part of registration mail.
New User Account Activation − If it is set to None the new user will be registered immediately. If it set to Self, The new user gets the activation mail which helps to activate the account themselves.
Notification Mail to Administrators − If it is set No, It sends the new user activation mail to the admin.
Captcha − Provides the captcha options to activate the new user.
Front-end User Parameters − It is set to show, the user will be able to modify their language, editor and help websites.
Front-end Language − It is set to show, the language option will appear during the new user registration.
Change Login Name − If it is set to Yes, it allows the new user to edit the login name.
Maximum Reset Count − It defines the maximum reset of password for the user and 0 indicates no limits.
Time in Hours − Time for the reset counter in hour.
Minimum Password Length − Specifies the length of the password.
Password Minimum Integers − It specifies the minimum number of integers that must be included in the password entry.
Password Minimum Symbols − It specifies the minimum number of symbols that must be included in the password entry.
Password Upper Case Minimum − It specifies the minimum number of upper case characters that must be included in the password entry.
3. The User Notes History tab is used to save history of the user notes.
Save History − It saves the version history of the component when selected as Yes. Otherwise no version history is saved.
Maximum Versions − It always saves the maximum number of versions for an item.
4. The Mass Mail tab is used to save setting for the mass mail.
Subject Prefix − Automatically text is inserted before the subject of mass mail.
Mail body Suffix − Automatically text is inserted after the body of the email.
5. Permissions tab, we can view the six actions as can be seen in the screen below. This tab is used to manage the permission settings for the user groups.
Configure − It allows users to edit the user option.
Access Administration Interface − It allows users to access the administration interface.
Create − It allows users in group to create the content present in the extension.
Delete − It allows users in group to delete the content present in the extension.
Edit − It allows users in group to edit the content present in the extension.
Edit State − It allows users in group to change the state of content present in the extension.