Windows 10 Built SSH Functionality
Windows 10 build 1803 April 2018 update now includes by default openSSH for Windows – no more WSL, emulation or other work arounds – a full blown fully integrated SSH client in Windows. the executables are stored in C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH and also include scp.exe and sftp.exe.
A great way of making this even more functional for daily use is creating what we’d call ‘aliases’ in the Linux world.
The very first time you attempt to SSH to a remote server a hidden ‘.ssh’ directory will be created in your users home directory.
Inside your ‘Hard Drive\Users\Username\.ssh’ directory create a file called ‘config’.
Here’s an example of one I use:
Host key
User xxxxxxxxx
Host austin
User xxxxxxxxx
ForwardX11 yes H
ost tampa
User xxxxxxxxx
ForwardX11 yes
Host vancouver
User xxxxxxxx
ForwardX11 yes
Host cisco-lab
KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
User xxxxxxxx
Hostname xxxxxxxxx
Now to ssh to the server called ‘key I can simple execute the command:
$ ssh key
Additionally you can put and/or generate SSH keys for easy key access to remote servers just as you would from any Linux/Unix workstation.