The purpose of this script is to display RAM and CPU usage by Hyper-V VMs on a single host
Hyper-V in Windows Server 2012 and newer
Copy script to a .ps1 file in the Hyper-V host machine where the VMs reside
# Adjust $Hostname to hostname of windows server running Hyper-V
$Hostname = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$VMs = (Get-VM -ComputerName $Hostname)
"Host name: $Hostname"
'Number of VMs: ' + ($VMs.Count)
$colVMs = @()
foreach ($VM in $VMs)
$objVM = New-Object System.Object
$objVM | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VMName -Value $VM.VMName
$objVM | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VMState -Value $VM.State
$objVM | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VMDynamicMemoryEnabled -Value $VM.DynamicMemoryEnabled
$objVM | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VMStaticRAM -Value $VM.MemoryStartup
if ($vm.DynamicMemoryEnabled) {
$objVM | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VMDynamicMemoryMax -Value $VM.MemoryMaximum
} else {
$objVM | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VMDynamicMemoryMax -Value 0
$objVM | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VMCPUCount -Value ([int]$VM.ProcessorCount)
$colVMs += $objVM
# display all VMs and their values, nicely formatted
$a = @{Expression={$_.VMName};Label='VM Name'}, `
@{Expression={$_.VMState};Label='State'}, `
@{Expression={$_.VMDynamicMemoryEnabled};Label='DynMem enabled'}, `
@{Expression={('{0:N1}' -f($_.VMStaticRAM/1GB))};Label='Static/startup RAM (GB)';align='right'}, `
@{Expression={('{0:N1}' -f([Double]$_.VMDynamicMemoryMax/1GB))};Label='Dynamic Mem max (GB)';align='right'}, `
@{Expression={$_.VMCPUCount};Label='vCPU count';align='right'}
$colVMs | Sort-Object VMName | Format-Table $a -AutoSize
# display sums, max/min, and averages
$b = @{Expression={$_.Property};Label='Property'}, `
@{Expression={$_.Count};Label='Count'}, `
@{Expression={('{0:N1}' -f($_.Sum/1GB))};Label='Sum';align='right'}, `
@{Expression={('{0:N1}' -f($_.Minimum/1GB))};Label='Minimum';align='right'}, `
@{Expression={('{0:N1}' -f($_.Maximum/1GB))};Label='Maximum';align='right'}, `
@{Expression={('{0:N1}' -f($_.Average/1GB))};Label='Average';align='right'}
'All VMs'
$colVMs | Measure-Object VMStaticRAM,VMDynamicMemoryMax -Minimum -Maximum -Sum -Average | Format-Table $b -AutoSize
$colVMs | Measure-Object VMCPUCount -Minimum -Maximum -Sum -Average | Format-Table Property,Count,Sum,Minimum,Maximum,Average -AutoSize
'Running VMs'
$colVMs | Where-Object {$_.VMState -eq 'Running'} | Measure-Object VMStaticRAM,VMDynamicMemoryMax -Minimum -Maximum -Sum -Average | Format-Table $b -AutoSize
$colVMs | Where-Object {$_.VMState -eq 'Running'} | Measure-Object VMCPUCount -Minimum -Maximum -Sum -Average | Format-Table Property,Count,Sum,Minimum,Maximum,Average -AutoSize
# add host hardware values
$HostHW = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $Hostname
"Host $Hostname total RAM: " + ('{0:N0}' -f($hostHW.TotalPhysicalMemory / 1GB) + ' GB')
"Host $Hostname Logical Processors: " + $HostHW.NumberOfLogicalProcessors