Internal Error message when accessing Plesk Domain Control Panel for Windows
* This issue occurs when logging into your Plesk Domain Control Panel (for this example we will use the fictitious domain name and receive the error message “Internal error: E:\inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs out of webspace which is caused by inconsistencies in the Plesk database
1) First please check that there is enough space on the Windows server and that the error message is incorrect and that the path actually exists
2) Make a copy of the Plesk database before starting, below is the command to complete this task from command line:
“%plesk_dir%\Mysql\bin\mysqldump.exe” –uadmin –p[PleskPassword] –p8306 psa > E:\psabackup.sql
3) Then login into the Plesk database:
“%plesk_dir%\MySQL\bin\mysql” –P8306 –uadmin –p psa
4) You need to find the home and www_root paths for the domain name (in this example it will be
5) To find the home information, run the below command:
select id,home from sys_users where home like “”;
Id |
home |
2 |
D:\inetpub\vhosts\ |
6) Then run the below command to find the www_root information, note the command uses the ID info from the above step
select www_root from hosting where sys_user_id=2;
www_root |
E:\inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs |
7) As noted in the above example, the paths are different, so you will need to update the mysql field that has the incorrect path. In the above example you would update the www_root variable with the below command:
- update sys_users set home=“E:\\inetpub\\vhosts\\” where id=2;
However, if the www_root was incorrect, then you would execute the below command:
- update hosting set www_root=“E:\\inetpub\\vhosts\\httpdocs” where sys_user_id=2;
*Usually this will fix the issue but if not, you can repair permissions for your domain with the below command:
8) “%plesk_bin%”\repair.exe –reconfigure-web-site –web-site-name
If the problem continues to persist, please contact Hostway and we will be able to further assist you