By default, domain names registered through us are automatically "locked". Locking a domain registration is a precautionary measure intended to prevent unauthorized transfers.
If you wish to transfer the registration to another registrar, then you must first unlock it. However, note that a domain name less than 60 days old cannot be transferred from one registrar to another.
To change the Lock status of a domain name:
- Log in to SiteControl and click on the Domain Name link
visible on the Home page.
- In the Domain Names page, click on the Edit link next to the domain name that you want to unlock.
- Click Edit in the box that displays the Domain Lock status of the domain name.
- Check the appropriate circle for either Locked or Unlocked.
- Click Update Now.
Note: On the Edit Domain Lock page, you can also edit the Auto-Renew settings of the respective domain. If you do not wish to renew the domain automatically, make sure that the option is turned off. Otherwise, the domain will renew automatically 15 days prior to the expiration date.